Pull the pins to save the girl

mixed media

This piece is about subliminal messages we are being fed on a daily base.
The work is a replica of a advertisement of a game called Gardenscapes and it looks nothing like the ads. Often these ads contain a narrative that is targeting men. In this case to save the girl.
The ad, like any ad tries to trigger desires. Not only inducing a white knight syndrome, also the desire to be better than other players. By simulating a person who is playing the game in the worst way, our brain wants to intervene and do it better. 
These images are present on most internet platforms and although most people skip these it seeps in our unconscious mind.
Because I and many others consider this media to be the internets trash I made it out of trash, found in the neighboring streets of Vrijpaleis Amsterdam.
Made on occasion for the exhibition ‘Cursor fever’ by Thieu Kessels